Wednesday 2 July 2014

Reasons to salute IT professionals

It was a fine evening; I was walking inside office, holding my coffee cup, I moved towards the balcony. It was a very nice view of the campus from the 7th floor of the building. Took a small sip of coffee along with deep breath and looked down towards the road. Buses and cars were moving to the home. Boisterous bikes were taking turn from gate. Eye catchy dressed guys with elegant formals, shoes, and electronic gadgets that too everything branded. I guess this is well enough to introduce you to the well known next generation professionals, IT professionals or techies.
To get these luxurious and lavishing lives, IT guys suffer many things in their lives.

Family Emotions 

IT guys come from all corners of the country and work in metropolitan cities. At the end of day you have to go under very tear-jerking emotional trauma when you call home to ask the well being of  mom and dad. You always force your parents to come and stay with you and your parents persist in giving reasons of languages, regions, and many more to stay at home towns only. You change the topic when parents ask you to marry and if you are married then parent would ask for new child in home. You never want to stay away from your mom and dad; however your parents are very smart they want you to enjoy your own live. If you are at early stage of your career and staying abroad then this emotional blackmailing will start from your parents’ side to get them back in own country. It is very hard to explain your parents that they are abroad for betterment of your family and future.


Sometimes you can handle parents, after all parents can understand you, however society, OMG!! you can not face society when you are techies and not married. Whenever, you visit your hometown, everyone in the village/town looks at you as the most eligible bachelor and you will find yourself as the one and only person left to get marry in society. Till marriage drama it is fine but you feel so awkward when someone asks you " so, how much? 1 lakh per month hun? " (come on man, I joined as a fresher, no one offers directly a PM post), “How is Infosys man ? " (I feel really sorry for such questions, how to tell people that, there are many IT firms other than "Infosys") and a very tough question to answer and explain "what is that your company produce?"

Work pressure:

Working hard for the whole day, you look at the corner of the monitor, "oopsss, It is 8 pm, well now just for more 5 mins and I will finish this task and go home" After some time again you look at clock and convince your mind with same sentence, however, now the time is 9 pm or may be 10 pm. During interview for the question “what are your positive points?" "I am hard working, this, that, blah, blah “everyone reply with word "hard working". You aren't afraid of working hard, or working late in the night or even on weekends then what makes them to go past work pressure?  When you work hard for 10 to 14 hrs a day and instead of appreciating you management blames you for your small mistakes. The management magnifies your one mistake and neglects your 10 good tasks. If these keep on going, duty becomes burden for you and when it's burden it will convert in responsibility, when your management doesn't change its behavior, This responsibility will turn in to "Work Pressure" for you. Your log-in time is fixed but log-out time depends on work.

Life of uncertainty:

You join as software developers/testers/technical writers with some sort of skill, You always have to keep on improving your skills or have to learn new skills. As your experience keep on increasing expectations from you go high too. If you do not improve/learn new skills, you become scrap for organization. IT environment develops your attitudes to learn new skills, sometimes organizations offer you some kind of training. You get the biggest shock when recessions strike your organization. You never know for sure when you would lose your job, this tension is doubled if you have taken home loan. To avoid such tensions it is mandatory for you to keep learning new skills, sometimes you compare yourself with colleagues, sometimes you may become victim of office politics. Recessions have to do nothing with your skills or competencies.

Working Fathers

With all these hazards of IT environment you finish work, catch the bus or ride your vehicles fast to reach home. As soon as you reach home, you search for children in hall, kitchen, and reach bedroom. "No, no Don't open, Don't go inside, Don’t disturb her" wife shout on you and you end up in watching TV. Working mother get soft corner from their seniors, obviously their work is shifted to person sitting next to her who are unfortunately "working father". This father leaves home early to reach office before his child wakes up and reach late to home after his child had slept off. If both mom and dad are working in IT then along with parents child has to suffer a lot too. 

Suddenly, my boss called me, "ya , I'm coming" I reply. By the time evening shining sunlight gets converted in a dark night. I try to take chilled coffee sip while looking at very strong minded IT professionals who daily go through many mental phases, from family emotions to the uncertainty of life.

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