Yesterday morning I was walking on street with my 2 year old nephew.... Stop it man I really do not want to start today with such stupid sentimental sentence for "Kiss Of Love". I do not have 2 year old nephew and even 2 year old child will not understand what the hell is this happening on road when everybody was celebrating "Kiss Of Love". So now you caught me ' I was walking alone and looking mob of girls and boys kissing each others'. I was getting bit jealous of that boy "Opss she was really hot to whom he was kissing". I turn my face, start walking. "OMG" I rub my eyes, open wide, again I rub my eyes and try to make vision clear. "OMG, Is he my Grandpa ? yes he is ". Now I can not stand any more in front of that crowed, I move ahead and as soon as reach near to Grandpa, I bend down to touch his feet "pay lagu dadaji". With lots of energy he give pat on back "Gunvant Bhav, Not going to college man? " with soft smile he ask me. "Yes, yes grandpa, I am on the way". " uffff today's generation means, God knows what will happen with this generation" Grandpa keep on talking while looking at "Kiss of Love" crowed and move ahead.
As soon as Grandpa moves, I take long breath, moves ahead "yes, once again look at crowed and feel hope I could have GF to celebrate this on road". "No man, My home is just few meters away from this road, I just come across my Grandpa, If someone sees me doing such stuff no no, I can not" I keep on thinking. "So my Grandpa is stopping me from doing this, Come on man, I just touched his feet, how can I think of such stupid things? So If I would have such beautiful GF I would have defiantly kissed her" Well, here I take pause. "Is my culture is burden for me?" ask question to myself and stop walking.
When I was child my dad use to ask me to touch feet of person who is elder to me. I was really not willing to do that just to get few words of praising from relatives .I was actually forced to do it. That was my childish feeling, today I know real meaning of each habit that poured in my soul by dad. "Can I kiss my GF in front of my Grandpa ? no, I can't" Why ? because that is the way I grown up. It does not mean that someone else can not kiss his GF in front of his Grandpa, It is totally depend on person to person and in which environment he grown up. Even though it is completely depend on person to person but everyone knows what is good and what is bad. I read one banner in "Kiss of Love" crowed, It says "Peeing on road is allowed in India but not kissing". I want ask to that crowed "Does it mean that, you should pee or kiss on road? ". Another was saying "I do not want to carry burden of Indian culture", Very nice said my advice to him/her "Do not carry" I say "Do not carry Indian culture burden". When my dad first time ask me to touch feet of elder person, It was burden to me. I did that because of pressure but today I know that habits gives me very strong and positive feelings in my soul. "So at the age of 23 or 24 you feel Indian culture is burden to you, I would like to say, Grow up, wake up from sleep, you are no more child." "you are very responsible person of society which respect you when you respect society"
I am not saying the people who attacked on CCD are right, "Stick is not solution to moral values but even being vulgar is not solution to stick"
बरेच दिवस झले , सगळ कस निवांत चालल होत, मोदी सरकार आल, आता मी निवांत विश्रांती घेऊ शकतो . पण आत्ता कुठे थोडस डोळे मिटत होतो तोच दरवाज्याजवळ दोन मुली दिसल्या, शेजारी बसलेल्या बायकोला विचारलं "कोण आहेत ग मुली ? जरा पहतेयस का ? "आहो उत्तर भारतातील बदायु गावातून आल्या आहेत मुली जाऊन भेटते , आलेच हां " आस म्हणत बायको उठली पण तिच्या डोळ्यातलं पानी स्पष्ट दिसत होत. त्या दोन मुलींना पाहून माझ्याही डोळ्यात पाणी आले आणि परत हलकासा डोळा लागतोच तोच बायको आली, "काय मेल या महागयीच,आता परत रेल्वे भाडे महागणार, आणि हे काय आता, ग्यास, पेट्रोल, डीसेल, आरे आरे साखर पण महागणार वाटत." "आग जरा शांत बस बघू तू " मी उगाचच काहीतरी बोलून तिला शांत करण्याचा वायफळ प्रयत्न केला , अगदी नेहमीसारखा. "गप्प बसा हो, तुमच काय जातय बोलायला, काही दिवसांनी पाहुणेमंडळी येतील घरी तेंव्हा साखर आहे का ते पाहते" बायको तावातावाने स्वयपाक घरात गेली. बर झाल कटकट गेली आस म्हणत मी परत डोळे मिटले.
"साई भक्तांनी रामा चि पूजाकरणे बंद करावे " एक आस विचित्र वाक्य कानी पडल आणि मी रागाने ओरडलो "कोण आहे रे तिकडे , कोण हा माणूस ?" माझा रागीट आवाज ऐकून बायको स्वयपाक घरातून बाहेर आली, "अहो ओरडता काय , नेहमिच आहे हे , आणि हो ऐका मी शेजारच्या लक्ष्मी बाईंकडून साखर आणते, उगाच डोक्याला त्रास होईल आस विचार नका करू."
बायको गेली पण माझ्या डोक्यात तोच विचार , आस कस बोलू शकतो कोणी, नाही , नाही छे छे , इतका कसा बदलला माणूस. इतिहासा मध्ये हा माणूस जमिनीसाठी भांडला, त्यानंतर धर्मासाठी , नन्तर नन्तर तर धर्मा धर्मा मध्ये भांडला , भांडला काय भांडतोय. पण हे काय, आज तर कहरच केला चक्क चक्क देवा वरच वार केला. आरे काय पडतो फरक, कि कोण कोणाची पूजा करतो ते ? परमेश्वर तर सर्वत्र आहे, साई मध्ये काय आणि राम मध्ये काय. सबका मलिक एक है !! काही काही कळत नाही या लोकांच येवडी ज्ञानी लोग, येवडी शिकलेली, येवडी विद्वान, पण आश्या विधांमुळे त्यांच्या विद्वातेवर प्रश्नचिन्ह पडते. विद्वान लोकांच आस तर सर्वसामान्य मानसाच काय, तो पण लागला कालवा करायला, आरे वेड्या "शोधिसि मानवा राउळी मंदिरी, देव हा नांदतो आपुल्या अंतरी " .आपल मन स्वच पवित्र आसले कि परमेश्वर आपल्याच अंतकरणात आहे हि साधी गोष्टं या लोकाना का काळात नाही.
"आहो चला उठा, तयारीला लागा, थोड्याच दिवसात वारकरी येतील घरी, का नुसते कमरेवर हाथ ठेवून उभे राहणार आहात ?" बायको घरात येतयेत बडबडली.
हे बलात्कार, मारामारी, धर्माच्या नावावर दंगली, भ्रष्ठ आचरण आणि देवा देवा वरून वाद, हे सगळ पाहिलं कि आस वाटत " मी माणूसच जन्माला घातला ना? खर सांगू रुख्मिणी या वेळी कोणा कोणाला आशीर्वाद द्यायचा हा मोठा प्रश्नच आहे " आस बोलत मी कमरेवर हाथ ठेवून, शांतपणे विटेवर उभा राहिलो.
Title refer to the well know story, A wise man sat in the audience and cracked a joke , Everyone laughs like crazy. After a moment , he cracked the same joke again. this time, less people laughed. He cracked the same joke again and again. When there is no laughter in the crowed , He smiles and said
"When you can't laugh over the same joke over and over again...then why do you cry over the same thing again & again?"
Today , Lets find how to laugh on same joke again and again. It is not easy but surely not very difficult. Let me introduce one of most famous Hollywood movie "The Internship":
Billy McMahon (Vaughn) and Nick Campbell (Wilson) seek employment after being laid off from their positions as watch salesmen when their employer goes out of business. Billy then applies for an internship at Google for the two of them, and they are accepted due to their unorthodox interview answers, despite a lack of relevant experience; they are the only interns not of traditional collegiate age. They will spend the summer competing in teams against other interns, in a variety of tasks, and only the members of the winning team will be guaranteed jobs with Google. Billy and Nick are teamed with other interns seen as rejects: Stuart, who is usually engrossed in his smart phone; Yo-Yo, a Filipino-American boy; and Neha, an Indian-American girl. The team is led by Lyle, who constantly tries to act hip in order to hide his insecurities. Look at the below video, Its funny video when the teams are tasked with developing an app.First look at this video.
If you see this video and do not feel to laugh even at single point, Don't worry, nothing is wrong with you, you are normal human. Before we learn to laugh remember Billy McMahon (Vaughn) and Nick Campbell (Wilson) are rich with salesman experience not as "Techie". 1) Billy and Nick both are very enthusiastic and encouraging their mates to develop app. Billy says "Go backward to go forward " and next second he says " Alright guys , I don't want to kill the momentum". We really don't understand what the hell Billy try to do, Encourage or Discourage ? This point makes you laugh where billy start telling his crap idea with confidence. Same time observe the other guys faces , how confused they are !! In fact Neha get discourage and move away from board. 2) Did you observer Neha ? She got totally confused with Billy's idea , She must be thinking that "Billy is speaking just bunch of words which really means nothing" 3) Stuart explain that this idea is already exist in market with name of Instagram , "No no , mine is very different " Billy says. please check here below how Billy explain to Yo-Yo that "How it's very different" OMG, What an attitude dude , What an attitude Billy shows here , check out his gesture while explaining to Yo-Yo, He throws the ball up in air and catch it , Just like He has got one of the Innovative or billion dollar idea. Billy is from salesman background and he hardly have any idea about internet world or technology world, He even don't have idea that how old his idea, still just look at his confidence. 4) Looking Billy's confidence Stuart get confused and clear his doubt by asking very quick question to Billy "When you keep saying On-The-Line do you mean Online ? "This is defiantly punch by Stuart where all of us feel laugh. 5) Immediately Nick interrupt Stuart and says ""Don't do that to a man, He got million dollar idea right here , Even better ,Let him flow" . Well , This is not mistake of Nick but he is also from same background like Billy, Who hardly know about internet technology. This makes you to laugh if you watch out the Nick's foolish supporting confidence. 6) Another funny part throughout this video is , Billy keep on neglecting his team lead Lyle (Guy in spect) who is trying to correct Billy on the word "On-The-Line" throughout conversation. Innocently Lyle keep on correcting him with "Online". his innocent face makes you laugh throughout video. Look it again. Now come to our point, If you want to laugh on the same joke again and again then try to listen/see it carefully, magnify micro things in the scene/joke and you can be able to laugh at the same joke again and again. If you share same with you friends then you may find another more funny stuff in that. However we do exactly opposite to it , we keep on thinking of sad incidents of our life again n again. Suppose "someone leaves/hurts you" . This is very simple but we make it very complicated and huge by thinking very small and micro memories with that person. Nothing is wrong to think about good memories but bad memories makes you sad. So narrow the sorrow and cherish the happy moments. Corporate world also need to learn from this video, No matter how foolish your colleague's idea, either you should support him like Nick or You should ask him proper explanation with polite manner like Yo-Yo or You should clear yourself first with his idea like Stuart and most important if you are lead then you should keep quite in team discussion and let team to play game, What maximum lead can do is support team-member without disturbing foolish idea. Most important even though in whole post I was trying to make you laugh but remember one thing as good team mate "you should not laugh on foolish idea , instead of that welcome it and show true team spirit" That is what all others was doing in this video when Billy speak.
Yesterday morning I was walking on street with my 2 year old nephew.... Stop it man I really do not want to start today with such stupid sentimental sentence for "Kiss Of Love". I do not have 2 year old nephew and even 2 year old child will not understand what the hell is this happening on road when everybody was celebrating "Kiss Of Love". So now you caught me ' I was walking alone and looking mob of girls and boys kissing each others'. I was getting bit jealous of that boy "Opss she was really hot to whom he was kissing". I turn my face, start walking. "OMG" I rub my eyes, open wide, again I rub my eyes and try to make vision clear. "OMG, Is he my Grandpa ? yes he is ". Now I can not stand any more in front of that crowed, I move ahead and as soon as reach near to Grandpa, I bend down to touch his feet "pay lagu dadaji". With lots of energy he give pat on back "Gunvant Bhav, Not going to college man? " with soft smile he ask me. "Yes, yes grandpa, I am on the way". " uffff today's generation means, God knows what will happen with this generation" Grandpa keep on talking while looking at "Kiss of Love" crowed and move ahead.
As soon as Grandpa moves, I take long breath, moves ahead "yes, once again look at crowed and feel hope I could have GF to celebrate this on road". "No man, My home is just few meters away from this road, I just come across my Grandpa, If someone sees me doing such stuff no no, I can not" I keep on thinking. "So my Grandpa is stopping me from doing this, Come on man, I just touched his feet, how can I think of such stupid things? So If I would have such beautiful GF I would have defiantly kissed her" Well, here I take pause. "Is my culture is burden for me?" ask question to myself and stop walking.
When I was child my dad use to ask me to touch feet of person who is elder to me. I was really not willing to do that just to get few words of praising from relatives .I was actually forced to do it. That was my childish feeling, today I know real meaning of each habit that poured in my soul by dad. "Can I kiss my GF in front of my Grandpa ? no, I can't" Why ? because that is the way I grown up. It does not mean that someone else can not kiss his GF in front of his Grandpa, It is totally depend on person to person and in which environment he grown up. Even though it is completely depend on person to person but everyone knows what is good and what is bad. I read one banner in "Kiss of Love" crowed, It says "Peeing on road is allowed in India but not kissing". I want ask to that crowed "Does it mean that, you should pee or kiss on road? ". Another was saying "I do not want to carry burden of Indian culture", Very nice said my advice to him/her "Do not carry" I say "Do not carry Indian culture burden". When my dad first time ask me to touch feet of elder person, It was burden to me. I did that because of pressure but today I know that habits gives me very strong and positive feelings in my soul. "So at the age of 23 or 24 you feel Indian culture is burden to you, I would like to say, Grow up, wake up from sleep, you are no more child." "you are very responsible person of society which respect you when you respect society"
I am not saying the people who attacked on CCD are right, "Stick is not solution to moral values but even being vulgar is not solution to stick"
देव माणूस !!
बरेच दिवस झले , सगळ कस निवांत चालल होत, मोदी सरकार आल, आता मी निवांत विश्रांती घेऊ शकतो . पण आत्ता कुठे थोडस डोळे मिटत होतो तोच दरवाज्याजवळ दोन मुली दिसल्या, शेजारी बसलेल्या बायकोला विचारलं "कोण आहेत ग मुली ? जरा पहतेयस का ? "आहो उत्तर भारतातील बदायु गावातून आल्या आहेत मुली जाऊन भेटते , आलेच हां " आस म्हणत बायको उठली पण तिच्या डोळ्यातलं पानी स्पष्ट दिसत होत. त्या दोन मुलींना पाहून माझ्याही डोळ्यात पाणी आले आणि परत हलकासा डोळा लागतोच तोच बायको आली, "काय मेल या महागयीच,आता परत रेल्वे भाडे महागणार, आणि हे काय आता, ग्यास, पेट्रोल, डीसेल, आरे आरे साखर पण महागणार वाटत." "आग जरा शांत बस बघू तू " मी उगाचच काहीतरी बोलून तिला शांत करण्याचा वायफळ प्रयत्न केला , अगदी नेहमीसारखा. "गप्प बसा हो, तुमच काय जातय बोलायला, काही दिवसांनी पाहुणेमंडळी येतील घरी तेंव्हा साखर आहे का ते पाहते" बायको तावातावाने स्वयपाक घरात गेली. बर झाल कटकट गेली आस म्हणत मी परत डोळे मिटले.
"साई भक्तांनी रामा चि पूजाकरणे बंद करावे " एक आस विचित्र वाक्य कानी पडल आणि मी रागाने ओरडलो "कोण आहे रे तिकडे , कोण हा माणूस ?" माझा रागीट आवाज ऐकून बायको स्वयपाक घरातून बाहेर आली, "अहो ओरडता काय , नेहमिच आहे हे , आणि हो ऐका मी शेजारच्या लक्ष्मी बाईंकडून साखर आणते, उगाच डोक्याला त्रास होईल आस विचार नका करू."
बायको गेली पण माझ्या डोक्यात तोच विचार , आस कस बोलू शकतो कोणी, नाही , नाही छे छे , इतका कसा बदलला माणूस. इतिहासा मध्ये हा माणूस जमिनीसाठी भांडला, त्यानंतर धर्मासाठी , नन्तर नन्तर तर धर्मा धर्मा मध्ये भांडला , भांडला काय भांडतोय. पण हे काय, आज तर कहरच केला चक्क चक्क देवा वरच वार केला. आरे काय पडतो फरक, कि कोण कोणाची पूजा करतो ते ? परमेश्वर तर सर्वत्र आहे, साई मध्ये काय आणि राम मध्ये काय. सबका मलिक एक है !! काही काही कळत नाही या लोकांच येवडी ज्ञानी लोग, येवडी शिकलेली, येवडी विद्वान, पण आश्या विधांमुळे त्यांच्या विद्वातेवर प्रश्नचिन्ह पडते. विद्वान लोकांच आस तर सर्वसामान्य मानसाच काय, तो पण लागला कालवा करायला, आरे वेड्या "शोधिसि मानवा राउळी मंदिरी, देव हा नांदतो आपुल्या अंतरी " .आपल मन स्वच पवित्र आसले कि परमेश्वर आपल्याच अंतकरणात आहे हि साधी गोष्टं या लोकाना का काळात नाही.
"आहो चला उठा, तयारीला लागा, थोड्याच दिवसात वारकरी येतील घरी, का नुसते कमरेवर हाथ ठेवून उभे राहणार आहात ?" बायको घरात येतयेत बडबडली.
हे बलात्कार, मारामारी, धर्माच्या नावावर दंगली, भ्रष्ठ आचरण आणि देवा देवा वरून वाद, हे सगळ पाहिलं कि आस वाटत " मी माणूसच जन्माला घातला ना? खर सांगू रुख्मिणी या वेळी कोणा कोणाला आशीर्वाद द्यायचा हा मोठा प्रश्नच आहे " आस बोलत मी कमरेवर हाथ ठेवून, शांतपणे विटेवर उभा राहिलो.
How to laugh over the same joke over and over again
Title refer to the well know story, A wise man sat in the audience and cracked a joke , Everyone laughs like crazy. After a moment , he cracked the same joke again. this time, less people laughed. He cracked the same joke again and again. When there is no laughter in the crowed , He smiles and said
"When you can't laugh over the same joke over and over again...then why do you cry over the same thing again & again?"
Today , Lets find how to laugh on same joke again and again. It is not easy but surely not very difficult. Let me introduce one of most famous Hollywood movie "The Internship":
Billy McMahon (Vaughn) and Nick Campbell (Wilson) seek employment after being laid off from their positions as watch salesmen when their employer goes out of business. Billy then applies for an internship at Google for the two of them, and they are accepted due to their unorthodox interview answers, despite a lack of relevant experience; they are the only interns not of traditional collegiate age. They will spend the summer competing in teams against other interns, in a variety of tasks, and only the members of the winning team will be guaranteed jobs with Google. Billy and Nick are teamed with other interns seen as rejects: Stuart, who is usually engrossed in his smart phone; Yo-Yo, a Filipino-American boy; and Neha, an Indian-American girl. The team is led by Lyle, who constantly tries to act hip in order to hide his insecurities. Look at the below video, Its funny video when the teams are tasked with developing an app.First look at this video.
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