बरेच दिवस झले , सगळ कस निवांत चालल होत, मोदी सरकार आल, आता मी निवांत विश्रांती घेऊ शकतो . पण आत्ता कुठे थोडस डोळे मिटत होतो तोच दरवाज्याजवळ दोन मुली दिसल्या, शेजारी बसलेल्या बायकोला विचारलं "कोण आहेत ग मुली ? जरा पहतेयस का ? "आहो उत्तर भारतातील बदायु गावातून आल्या आहेत मुली जाऊन भेटते , आलेच हां " आस म्हणत बायको उठली पण तिच्या डोळ्यातलं पानी स्पष्ट दिसत होत. त्या दोन मुलींना पाहून माझ्याही डोळ्यात पाणी आले आणि परत हलकासा डोळा लागतोच तोच बायको आली, "काय मेल या महागयीच,आता परत रेल्वे भाडे महागणार, आणि हे काय आता, ग्यास, पेट्रोल, डीसेल, आरे आरे साखर पण महागणार वाटत." "आग जरा शांत बस बघू तू " मी उगाचच काहीतरी बोलून तिला शांत करण्याचा वायफळ प्रयत्न केला , अगदी नेहमीसारखा. "गप्प बसा हो, तुमच काय जातय बोलायला, काही दिवसांनी पाहुणेमंडळी येतील घरी तेंव्हा साखर आहे का ते पाहते" बायको तावातावाने स्वयपाक घरात गेली. बर झाल कटकट गेली आस म्हणत मी परत डोळे मिटले.
"साई भक्तांनी रामा चि पूजाकरणे बंद करावे " एक आस विचित्र वाक्य कानी पडल आणि मी रागाने ओरडलो "कोण आहे रे तिकडे , कोण हा माणूस ?" माझा रागीट आवाज ऐकून बायको स्वयपाक घरातून बाहेर आली, "अहो ओरडता काय , नेहमिच आहे हे , आणि हो ऐका मी शेजारच्या लक्ष्मी बाईंकडून साखर आणते, उगाच डोक्याला त्रास होईल आस विचार नका करू."
बायको गेली पण माझ्या डोक्यात तोच विचार , आस कस बोलू शकतो कोणी, नाही , नाही छे छे , इतका कसा बदलला माणूस. इतिहासा मध्ये हा माणूस जमिनीसाठी भांडला, त्यानंतर धर्मासाठी , नन्तर नन्तर तर धर्मा धर्मा मध्ये भांडला , भांडला काय भांडतोय. पण हे काय, आज तर कहरच केला चक्क चक्क देवा वरच वार केला. आरे काय पडतो फरक, कि कोण कोणाची पूजा करतो ते ? परमेश्वर तर सर्वत्र आहे, साई मध्ये काय आणि राम मध्ये काय. सबका मलिक एक है !! काही काही कळत नाही या लोकांच येवडी ज्ञानी लोग, येवडी शिकलेली, येवडी विद्वान, पण आश्या विधांमुळे त्यांच्या विद्वातेवर प्रश्नचिन्ह पडते. विद्वान लोकांच आस तर सर्वसामान्य मानसाच काय, तो पण लागला कालवा करायला, आरे वेड्या "शोधिसि मानवा राउळी मंदिरी, देव हा नांदतो आपुल्या अंतरी " .आपल मन स्वच पवित्र आसले कि परमेश्वर आपल्याच अंतकरणात आहे हि साधी गोष्टं या लोकाना का काळात नाही.
"आहो चला उठा, तयारीला लागा, थोड्याच दिवसात वारकरी येतील घरी, का नुसते कमरेवर हाथ ठेवून उभे राहणार आहात ?" बायको घरात येतयेत बडबडली.
हे बलात्कार, मारामारी, धर्माच्या नावावर दंगली, भ्रष्ठ आचरण आणि देवा देवा वरून वाद, हे सगळ पाहिलं कि आस वाटत " मी माणूसच जन्माला घातला ना? खर सांगू रुख्मिणी या वेळी कोणा कोणाला आशीर्वाद द्यायचा हा मोठा प्रश्नच आहे " आस बोलत मी कमरेवर हाथ ठेवून, शांतपणे विटेवर उभा राहिलो.
How to laugh over the same joke over and over again
Title refer to the well know story, A wise man sat in the audience and cracked a joke , Everyone laughs like crazy. After a moment , he cracked the same joke again. this time, less people laughed. He cracked the same joke again and again. When there is no laughter in the crowed , He smiles and said
"When you can't laugh over the same joke over and over again...then why do you cry over the same thing again & again?"
Today , Lets find how to laugh on same joke again and again. It is not easy but surely not very difficult. Let me introduce one of most famous Hollywood movie "The Internship":
Billy McMahon (Vaughn) and Nick Campbell (Wilson) seek employment after being laid off from their positions as watch salesmen when their employer goes out of business. Billy then applies for an internship at Google for the two of them, and they are accepted due to their unorthodox interview answers, despite a lack of relevant experience; they are the only interns not of traditional collegiate age. They will spend the summer competing in teams against other interns, in a variety of tasks, and only the members of the winning team will be guaranteed jobs with Google. Billy and Nick are teamed with other interns seen as rejects: Stuart, who is usually engrossed in his smart phone; Yo-Yo, a Filipino-American boy; and Neha, an Indian-American girl. The team is led by Lyle, who constantly tries to act hip in order to hide his insecurities. Look at the below video, Its funny video when the teams are tasked with developing an app.First look at this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFAGpIKudh4
If you see this video and do not feel to laugh even at single point, Don't worry, nothing is wrong with you, you are normal human.
Before we learn to laugh remember Billy McMahon (Vaughn) and Nick Campbell (Wilson) are rich with salesman experience not as "Techie".
1) Billy and Nick both are very enthusiastic and encouraging their mates to develop app. Billy says "Go backward to go forward " and next second he says " Alright guys , I don't want to kill the momentum".
We really don't understand what the hell Billy try to do, Encourage or Discourage ? This point makes you laugh where billy start telling his crap idea with confidence. Same time observe the other guys faces , how confused they are !! In fact Neha get discourage and move away from board.
2) Did you observer Neha ? She got totally confused with Billy's idea , She must be thinking that "Billy is speaking just bunch of words which really means nothing"
3) Stuart explain that this idea is already exist in market with name of Instagram , "No no , mine is very different " Billy says. please check here below how Billy explain to Yo-Yo that "How it's very different" OMG, What an attitude dude , What an attitude Billy shows here , check out his gesture while explaining to Yo-Yo, He throws the ball up in air and catch it , Just like He has got one of the Innovative or billion dollar idea. Billy is from salesman background and he hardly have any idea about internet world or technology world, He even don't have idea that how old his idea, still just look at his confidence.
4) Looking Billy's confidence Stuart get confused and clear his doubt by asking very quick question to Billy "When you keep saying On-The-Line do you mean Online ? "This is defiantly punch by Stuart where all of us feel laugh.
5) Immediately Nick interrupt Stuart and says ""Don't do that to a man, He got million dollar idea right here , Even better ,Let him flow" . Well , This is not mistake of Nick but he is also from same background like Billy, Who hardly know about internet technology. This makes you to laugh if you watch out the Nick's foolish supporting confidence.
6) Another funny part throughout this video is , Billy keep on neglecting his team lead Lyle (Guy in spect) who is trying to correct Billy on the word "On-The-Line" throughout conversation. Innocently Lyle keep on correcting him with "Online". his innocent face makes you laugh throughout video. Look it again.
Now come to our point, If you want to laugh on the same joke again and again then try to listen/see it carefully, magnify micro things in the scene/joke and you can be able to laugh at the same joke again and again. If you share same with you friends then you may find another more funny stuff in that.
However we do exactly opposite to it , we keep on thinking of sad incidents of our life again n again. Suppose "someone leaves/hurts you" . This is very simple but we make it very complicated and huge by thinking very small and micro memories with that person. Nothing is wrong to think about good memories but bad memories makes you sad. So narrow the sorrow and cherish the happy moments.
Corporate world also need to learn from this video, No matter how foolish your colleague's idea, either you should support him like Nick or You should ask him proper explanation with polite manner like Yo-Yo or You should clear yourself first with his idea like Stuart and most important if you are lead then you should keep quite in team discussion and let team to play game, What maximum lead can do is support team-member without disturbing foolish idea. Most important even though in whole post I was trying to make you laugh but remember one thing as good team mate "you should not laugh on foolish idea , instead of that welcome it and show true team spirit" That is what all others was doing in this video when Billy speak.
God created the Universe , Planets , Nature , Animal and yes as being part of animal God created Human. Wow, That is cool stuff, God created human but soon human start being very busy in day to day life, during old era for hunting and today's era to go office and work hard.
Wake up early morning, finish your breakfast, move to office at sharp time. This human reappear in home after working hard in office for 9 to 12 hours then take ceremonial dinner and go to sleep. There is nothing new stuff human do ,whatever he/she is because it is how human is designed by god. God on no account give special things to any human, Then what does make some human special ? Some of us knows drawing, singing, music, dancing, sports..etc Most of us daily blame the god for not giving good throat to sing song , not giving talent, not making well built to play sport, not giving good look to impress girls or boys ;) and list goes on . We west most of our time in thinking "I wish , I would have this and that and bla bla "
I know one man who never blame the God , who always tankful to god for what he is.He teaches everyone in this world to love yourself no matter how you look. This Man can play football, swim, play drum, sing song, surf and many more. Graduated from Griffith University at the age of 21 with a Bachelor of Commerce, with a double major in accountancy and financial planning. Then why most of us blame god and wish "if I have this and that ". Friends , "Wish" or "If" does not going to change anything until and unless you are going to love yourself.
“I have a choice,“to either be angry at God for what I don’t have or be thankful for what I do have. My mom said, ‘ God’s going to use you. I don’t know how. I don’t know when, but God’s going to use you.’ And those seeds started penetrating in my heart. That’s when I started seeing that there is no point in being complete on the outside when you’re broken on the inside. I found out that God can heal you without changing your circumstance." Nick says on interview. Nick Vujicic is the president and CEO of a non-profit organization, Life Without Limbs, urging others with disabilities to follow the yearns and goals of their hearts
Nick says, “It’s so hard to be strong when people constantly say, ‘You’re not good enough. Go away. We don’t want anything to do with you.’ In life, if you don’t know the truth, then you can’t be free, because then you’ll believe that the lies are the truth. But once we realize that when we read the Word of God and you know the truth of who you are, then I’m not a man without arms and legs. I am a child of God
Dive right in: Nick Vujicic, born without legs or arms, plunges into a pool for a swim
Nick Vujicic speaks at My Dinh national stadium in Hanoi, Vietnam on May 23, 2013. “Some places we go we have to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves,” he said afterward
Bethany Hamilton teaches Nick how to surf in Hawaii in 2008. Bethany got her arm bitten off by a shark when she was a teenager - and was back on a surfboard within three weeks.
Nick Vujicic speaks at My Dinh national stadium in Hanoi, Vietnam on May 23, 2013. “Some places we go we have to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves,” he said afterward
Sunday, 8 June 2014
_It already is bigger than everything else.
Everyday,Morning to evening to morning, you hear news of rape, sexual assaults, acid attack, sexual harassment in office etc. Every day you open the newspaper, you switch on the TV and you are bound to see such news. First of all you feel sad for a moment, for that person,think it can never happen to you , thank god for keeping you in safe place , and move on in your daily life schedule. Your loved one will make calls to you and ask to take extra care. You don't pay attention to their advice, instead of that you will shout on them that you are independent and brave girl.
Indian government has already announce death sentence as maximum punishment to rapist, Rapist is not only the one who force victim to have sexual intercourse but also the roadside guy who pass comment on you , the guy who looks at you from top to toe. you turn around look at the guy who stare at you and ask him to stop staring , He will reply "Not at all sister , I am looking some other things" just like he is the only one innocent guy on the earth or "Oh , come on , should I have to pay for watching around the road? " So what he think , woman is the free show going on road ? these guys are not different from rapist.
Today in office most of gentlemen are discussing rape issues, the same they watch today on TV channels. "what that girl and boy were doing at midnight on the road and girl was in skirt ,who knows she might have flirted with other men in disco and just step down on road with one of them?" midlife gentlemen from group drop his thoughts about the incident. One talented person ask very quick question " If tomorrow same happen with your sister , Should police first investigate about her character? " Pin drop silence and everyone moves to work.
How can, I mean seriously , how can someone judge girl's character from her dress ? That midlife person did same , trust me friends this mentality is one of the cause to rape in India. What about the 3 years old girl , What kind of skirt she wear ? Dress can never be invitation for rape , It is mental disorder in rapist.
This is not end , rape victim has to go under mental trauma when she has to face society.we people need to accept the rape victim with love and support. Friends we are from the mythology of Ramayana where the whole story revolves around the respect of a woman, Sita, The whole story shows that no matter how mighty a person is, he/she cant violate a woman and even if he attempts so, destruction will fall on him.All the powerful symbols of Knowledge, Wealth, Power are rested with female deities in the form of Saraaswati, Lakshmi and Durga / Kali. This does not mean that worship woman or her body ,Respect her right from when she is in womb.
Lets come to the our first point, your loved one will make calls to you and ask to take extra care.You don't pay attention to their advice,Instead of that you will shout on them that you are independent and brave girl, on same day you have to travel from office to home at around 10pm in city , you will realizes how much fear these incident have installed in your mind.Every men you see in the bus looks to you as potential rapist. You remember your loved ones advice and wish you should have bought at least pepper spray with you.
Mahatma Gandhi said “the day a woman can walk freely on the roads, that day we can say that India achieved independence”. I mean , woman can not travel to home from office at around 10pm without any fear, will India get independence?
First day, First cabiniet meeting, First decision ....Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his cabinet got down to work during it's very first meeting on Tuesday afternoon on 27 May 2014. They set up Special Investigation Team (SIT) under two retired Supreme Court judges to probe black money stashed abroad.
This is very strapping and unique decision taken by Indian Government. As of now many movement took place for black money. Every Indian welcomes this decision and surely Mr.Narendra Modi deposited credit in Indians mind for next 5 years. Getting back Black Money is very long process and may be government will take months/years to come up with output however hats off for this decision. Currently on TV every channels shows many presumption about amount stashed oversea however there are many questions coming in the mind of common man and one of them is "What is Black Money ?
In India, Black money refers to funds earned on the black market or any transaction on which income and other taxes has not been paid.The total amount of black money deposited in foreign banks by Indians is unknown. Whatever that amount but is it the only amount which is so called as black money ?
Huge amount of black money reside in India through Black Marketing, Now what and all comes in black marketing ?
Look at few of the below well know black marketing in India. undoubtedly these black marketing creating huge amount of black money in India which mostly stay in India itself.
Sexual exploitation and forced labor
Illegal drugs
Animals and animal products
Biological organs
Transportation providers
So now we are clear about black money and black marketing , Is there anything left for black money source ?
Yes , Here it blends .(No hard feeling)
Most of Indians right from chaiwaala to well educated people try to save their taxes. Most of us shows false receipt of medical bill and rent receipt to save few thousands tax money. Since we are not paying taxes all that money will be treated as black Money. Even though all of us are bound to pay income tax by our organization but to save few tax we contribute in that huge amount of "BLACK MONEY"
Instead of suggesting another tax system to government and trying to change rules ,Let us be honest to yourself and try to pay tax.